Курьёзы в работе и быту

У меня есть одна любимая "фишка",люблю выдавать замуж.Нравится мне это делать.Не знаю,как попала ко мне эта молодая женщина,кто ей меня посоветовал.С мужем развелась,молодого человека убили...На второй прием говорю,давай я тебе красный стол на замужество поставлю.Принцип тот же,что и марийской магии.Обрадовалась.Принеси мне все красное и сладкое,дала список,обьяснила ты все это возьмешь домой.Приходит - приносит.Цветы -три линялые гвоздики.Спрашиваю,отвечает я люблю гвоздики,это мои любимые цветы.Сок-томатный,он же не сладкий? Торт-самый дешевый вафельный...(у меня до сих пор сомнения,может быть девочка думала,что я это возьму себе?)не знаю.Говорю,ну не любишь ты себя до такой степени,не люби,родную.Но позволить себе,оскорблять своего бога,делать этот ритуал я не дам.Сантехника,можешь заполучить и...
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A c Success Story You'll Never Believe (1 чел.) (1) Гость
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A c Success Story You'll Never Believe3 г., 9 мес. назад  
The king casino : the best online casino site for the online gambling scene is located in France, on a website which is currently in beta state. The casino was created by a single person with the goal to provide gambling opportunities for the entire world.

There are various categories to choose from, there are games, casino titles, casino windows, table games etc…

There are various games available for the online casino player with the option to create unlimited slots which are usually limited to a certain number of games each day.

The casino has a simple login page and the online casino features also a web interface that provides users with all the information needed to play in the site.

The casino is a huge casino so it could be used by everyone from gamers to gamblers to those who need convenience to play, which is why it is important to stay alert on the casino website and the casino's security system as there are always some suspicious visitors coming onto the site.

All this leads you to the conclusion that the Internet casino will be a great option for the players to get a taste of some of the big sites and play many games, or to become a part of the online gambling community and find lots of online gamers for your own gaming.

The official online casino sites for the world are located in many countries, there's always something to find online. The official games available for the online casino are not really all that interesting. You could play a game against others as it does depend on a lot of factors, for example how many friends are online and even that they are online together.

There are several different types of online casino such as slots, table games, betting, multi-players, and all sorts of games.

The online casinos are also popular among many foreign players who are looking for a casino game with a real life action.

When it comes to gambling opportunities online, there are many different types of online gambling including online poker, online craps, and lots of other sites that allow players to engage in this type of online gambling.

To be honest, there are always two ways you can play online casino, both for pleasure and to be a part of the global gambling scene. In most cases, you can play online casino while you are still at home or while you are with your friends.

Online casinos are generally classified as:

Online casinos are based on the concept that you pay a monthly subscription price, which is then deducted at the end of the month. When you use it, you are also connected to a server to play in the casino.

Since the service is free, you can also choose not to use it. A typical website for that is known as www.onlinecasino.ca.

In the case of online casino

The king casino : the best online casino site in Europe, in all areas, with over 500 slots and lots in 3 continents!

LOL! The best site for online gaming!

PlayStation 4 – best gaming console!

XBOX ONE (PlayStation 3) – best gaming system!

PlayStation Vita (PlayStation Vita) – Best portable games & applications!

PCs (PC) – Best games & applications!

Xbox 360 – Best gaming system!

Wii U, Nintendo 3DS and Wii U Pro – Best online games

Xbox One & PlayStation 4/Xbox One S – Best online gaming consoles and PC!

The Internet of Things (IoT) – best internet connected devices!

In the wild, the wild is wild…

On November 8th we launched the WorldWide Gaming Live blog to share our gaming experience during the month of November 2017. We also share more information and insight and news with you and your family! It is great to see the positive interest for the Internet of Things in general! So the next big initiative is to gather more information and information of the various different hardware brands, products, and other hardware manufacturers. Let's take a closer look at some important components, accessories and features and see what other gaming and entertainment needs are being fulfilled now.

The hardware and software

Here we will compare a few hardware and software to see what kinds of things are available in 2017. This is what we could imagine what could be used to play a variety of electronic and video game titles. Of course, not all the devices will have these types of things, but you can get an idea if there are different kinds of games. For example, the TV and monitor from the TV box of the current generation consoles might come with a keyboard and mouse accessory for the game or some kind of digital camera for the movie. However, we can say that if we can talk about a gaming console or video game system that has a game console accessory or digital camera accessory, we can find a lot of things. To compare with the next generation consoles of consoles, we can also see that a lot of hardware brands are making many different types of games. For example, we could compare a bunch of gaming and entertainment games and even other games that are not of a specific type.

So let's start from the start and go from what's available from various sources.


In the first place, the best place for playing the video games are from the PC! If you want to play some games that are not in any other platforms, then you can play it on the PC. There will always be a majority of games coming from this platform and you may find games that are of a higher quality when playin
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