Курьёзы в работе и быту

Пришел на прием мужчина.Два раза за него приходила супруга,с переодичностью примерно в пол года.До этого он лечился у бабуленьки на "Сухой реке",она умерла.Не помню историю болезни.Пришел говорит,спасибо вы мне так помогли.Начали работать,как себя чуствуете-нормально.А вот,когда меня лечила "апа",меня било.Через определенное время работы,спрашиваю,как себя чуствуете.Нормально,а вот,когда меня лечила бабушка,меня знаете,как било,прямо "колошматило"и так на протяжении часа.Я ему вопрос,а он свое.Понимаю,что бы я не делала,психика человека настроена на эффект.НА ему посильнее,он шлепается на пол,бьется в судорогах.Встает довольный,так меня сильно,теперь очень надолго хватит.На полном серьезе говорю,помоему на-всегда.Он ушел,а я запомнила его на всю жизнь. ...
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Chess.com: Chess.com, which is the largest chess site, is still relatively new, as they did not develop their strategy services, but for their regular free chess games and chess videos, they have the best player lists in the world. A few of their most popular chess sites, like chess.me, chessmania, and chessclub, are also available for free, so you can browse chess and get a quick overview of your play, or just have fun with the action. The Chess.com main site has the most important games on offer, but they also have very interesting and original content.

Free Chess Online : Chess.com is a free site to visit to get you familiar with playing.

Freefort.net : The site allows you to play free online chess, also known as Blitz. You can use your credit card at the site, and there is no need for you to register your account. You can also play offline with the Chess.com login feature, and play without being connected to a computer, so your entire game will be stored on your computer.

Chessgames.com : Another online chess site, Chessgames offers you a large selection of high quality games that you can download and try out. They also have an advanced chess board game with unique features like a black pawns or a white pawn. You'll like it.

GameGuru.com : Gung Ho Gaming. The site was designed with the concept of creating high quality chess games. Gung Ho Gamers offers you the greatest quality chess online with players from all over the world including the US and Canada, and has been a great resource for many years to compete online.

GameMate.com : Gamemate is the top online chess site that offers both beginners and experts playing chess online. You don't have to be good at chess, the players here will tell you abou

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