Курьёзы в работе и быту

Этот случай я считаю на сегодня курьезным,в то время он вызвал во мне банальный страх.Ко мне очень давно пришла женщина,ей нужно было,при разводе просто не остаться "голой".Возраст у ней был уже пенсионный,муж занимал достаточно значимый пост,в людском восприятии.Один,второй раз,что то не так,идет в туалет,рвет ее кровью.Говорит у нее нашли опухоль головного мозга.На третий раз,она у меня стоя,рушится и теряет сознание.Она лежит,а я сижу и думаю,посадят черт побери.Так и сидела пол часа,пока она не проснулась.В итоге,ей не нужна операция,а у меня стойкий иммунитет,на любое целительство. ...
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A Step-by-Step Guide to r3 г., 9 мес. назад  
The king casino : the best online casino site around

: the best online casino site around King of the hill : the best online gambling site around

: the best online gambling site around Kingbet : a better online casino site

: a better online casino site KingPoker : the largest online poker site on the planet

: the largest online poker site on the planet Kingpin : the best online poker site for beginners

: the best online poker site for beginners Kingpin.ca : best online poker sites in Canada (in English)

: best online poker sites in Canada (in English) Kingpin.net: the best online poker sites in Canada (in French)

You can always use an offline version of a site like PlayCheap.com when you visit a casino on the internet.

You can also try using a gambling site if you want to play at the roulette wheel on a regular basis.

If you're looking for other online casinos to play with real money, you can check out sites like PokerStars, MTG, CyberPoker, and others.

Now we've given you everything you need to know about online casinos, but if you're serious about gambling online, do let us know which sites you'd prefer to use:

The king casino : the best online casino site with over 1 million users

How does it work?

Gaming on the Go

With Gaming on the Go your account will become your own personal website that you can browse in multiple browsers. Users can browse by currency (EUR/USD/GBP), gamertag, amount of chips placed, or any combination. Users will also be able to compare other players by ratings. Users also have the option to create their own profiles by simply uploading their picture and then clicking on the "Profile" tab. Users will also be able to change settings such as whether they are allowed to upload their picture or if they will be blocked. In a similar vein, their profile will also allow users to set a limit to what their screen would look like when viewing the site.

Users who sign up for a Gaming On The Go account will be automatically charged $0.99 USD per week from the start. For $15.99 USD per month, users can add up to 2 hours of gaming time per month.

The first step to get started is to register a Gaming On The Go account. If you do not know where to start, you can find some options here: Register Your Online Casino Now!

Once you have completed the registration process, select the desired browser, then enter your gamertag and user name, the website url and click "Sign Up."

Once your account is signed up for, simply add more and more gamertag and user names to your account, until you have over 3 million user names. With so many numbers attached to your Gamertag and User name you'll be able to choose your favourite characters if you want.

From there you can also set up profiles and link each other up with up to 10 players at a time. If you want to change your profile settings, just change the password from your password. Once users become too popular for their profile to function properly it will remove them from the list of users.

Once this step is complete you will receive an email from the casino's support with a link to a download form to sign up for a Gaming On The Go account.

Using the Gaming On The Go


After you have chosen your gamertag, you can start using the site. Users can login by clicking on their Gamertag under the "Log In" window.

A password will be generated and the first time you log in you will be prompted for a Gamertag.

This form will then ask you to confirm if you want to change your gamertag, and the email will then prompt you to provide a Gamertag you want to link to the account.

Once you have linked a Gamerta
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