Курьёзы в работе и быту

У меня есть одна любимая "фишка",люблю выдавать замуж.Нравится мне это делать.Не знаю,как попала ко мне эта молодая женщина,кто ей меня посоветовал.С мужем развелась,молодого человека убили...На второй прием говорю,давай я тебе красный стол на замужество поставлю.Принцип тот же,что и марийской магии.Обрадовалась.Принеси мне все красное и сладкое,дала список,обьяснила ты все это возьмешь домой.Приходит - приносит.Цветы -три линялые гвоздики.Спрашиваю,отвечает я люблю гвоздики,это мои любимые цветы.Сок-томатный,он же не сладкий? Торт-самый дешевый вафельный...(у меня до сих пор сомнения,может быть девочка думала,что я это возьму себе?)не знаю.Говорю,ну не любишь ты себя до такой степени,не люби,родную.Но позволить себе,оскорблять своего бога,делать этот ритуал я не дам.Сантехника,можешь заполучить и...
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The king casino : the best online casino site in Malaysia

Casinos in the country : a guide to online casino sites in Malaysia

Kangaroo - One of Malaysia's best new casino resorts

Hotel Malacca in Malacca. Photo by Peter Daugherty

Kuala Lumpur

The Kuala Lumpur Hotel is the most luxurious hotel in Malaysia. It was built in 1958, but it's not open 24/7. It's in the historic Kerengal district, and its layout is one of the most beautiful in the world. It opened in 1970 and stayed open until 2007.

Kuala Lumpur has 5 floors, including the hotel's 4 underground floors. The hotel also has five separate levels - three in front and three in the middle of the city, with two private suites for the residents and one room for the concierge staff. It's the only hotel with a courtyard, and there are a lot of restaurants - all of which will be a good choice for a stay in Kuala Lumpur.

It has been a popular host for the Miss Universe world beauty contest, which took place between 2013 and 2016. In 2016, it won more than $300 million.

The Grand Staircase Escalade was built to connect the Grand Staircase National Monument with the Grand Trench Trail, allowing visitors access from the city to the mountains above. It's a 1,534-metre (6,981ft) tall rock-strewn staircase, and is a spectacular view from up on top of this magnificent structure.

The Grand Staircase has many other attractions, including the Grand Trench Trail, the Kumbh Mela, and the world's largest waterfall, which can be accessed only on certain days of the year.

Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Photo by Peter Daugherty

Kuala Lumpur has over 700 hotels - you can check out some of them below.

For more hotels near Kuala Lumpur, click here.

Nasa Science Centre in Terengganu, Malaysia. Photo by Peter Daugherty

Konohagak / Moon City Hotel (Konohagak)

The Moon City Hotel (Konohagak) is part of the Lunar Centre complex, and is one of the 10 most luxurious hotels in the world, by one definition. The Moon City is the sixth most luxurious resort in Malaysia, in terms of its luxuries and comfort.

The Moon City Hotel, is located just 3km (1.6 miles) from the capital, Kuala Lumpur. One of its best features is the luxury guest suite and the 2D glass house built on one of the main floors. The hotel also has many other places to enjoy

The king casino : the best online casino site

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